Legal opinion pours cold water on Bedwas coal mine plan

We’ve teamed up with our friends at the Good Law Project to obtain expert legal advice, revealing that ERI Ltd’s disastrous proposal to mine two of the Bedwas coal tips is unlikely to get the necessary licence. If it does, we’re confident we can challenge it, and challenge it we would. A solution is needed for coal tips abandoned by the coal industry, but more coal mining isn’t it. Particularly with the sensitive ecology that has slowly regained a foothold in the area around the coal tips, and are threatened by the proposal to mine the area again.


ERI Ltd launched its pre-application consultation in early 2024 to mine two coal tips in Bedwas, South Wales. The company is proposing to extract a total of around 468,000 tonnes of coal from both tips. This would drive further climate chaos by over 1.3 million tonnes of CO2, as well as devastate the coal tips’ natural regeneration over the past 30 years since it was abandoned. The project also endangers the beautiful Sirhowy Valley Country Park bordering one of the tips. ERI Ltd claims it would use some of the profits from the coal mining to restore the coal tips afterwards. This amounts to more coal mining to clean up the mess left by old coal mining—we’ve been here before with the nearby Ffos-y-fran site, and we know it doesn’t end well.

Beyond planning permission

As well as planning permission, to extract coal in the UK, companies need to approach the national regulator, The Coal Authority, to apply for either a:

  1. ‘coal licence’, or
  2. ‘incidental coal agreement’

See our illustrated guide setting out the coal mine application process.

No licence and no agreement to fuel climate chaos

ERI Ltd’s hopes of getting a coal licence to mine the Bedwas coal tips are likely dashed by the Labour Government’s manifesto intention to prevent any new licences to be issued for coal mining. Therefore, ERI Ltd only has one other option – to try to get an ‘incidental coal agreement’ from the Coal Authority. However, guidance we’ve received from the Coal Authority and from Toby Fisher, Barrister at Matrix Chambers, London, makes it appear unlikely that ERI Ltd’s proposal to mine the Bedwas tips would be eligible for an incidental coal agreement.

Responding to our Freedom of Information request in March 2024, The Coal Authority explained that “…incidental coal agreements are designed to allow a developer to safely remove coal found during the development of a site. Any coal encountered is not mined for commercial purposes, it is being removed as a necessary part of the safe development of the site. In this way, it differs to a licensed mining operation which specifically employs people to remove the coal for commercial reasons.” (own emphasis).

Underscoring that incidental coal agreements are not issued for projects aiming to extract commercial quantities of coal, another Freedom of Information request revealed that just 3,500 tonnes of coal had been extracted nationwide over the past 18 months under incidental coal agreements. To put that into context, one opencast coal mine extracted this amount in just three days.

The legal opinion of Toby Fisher, Barrister at the highly-regarded Matrix Chambers, further assures us that any attempt by ERI Ltd to obtain an incidental coal agreement for its Bedwas coal tips is very unlikely to be successful—and can be challenged through the Courts if it is. Fisher’s advice also highlighted the relevance of the recent R (Finch on behalf of the Weald Action Group) v Surrey CC legal victory.  We are grateful to the Good Law Project for their support in obtaining this legal opinion and support for our campaign.

Remediation without the climate vandalism

With over 300 category D coal tips in South Wales alone, ERI Ltd’s proposal could trigger a new wave of coal mining if it were successful. For the sake of localised impacts and our collective climate, we are therefore committed to challenging an application by ERI Ltd every step of the way, together with the local community resistance, Sirhowy Valley Country Park support group, Good Law Project, Friends of the Earth Cymru, and Climate Cymru.

Regular safety monitoring is considered sufficient for most category D coal tips abandoned by the coal industry in South Wales. But for coal tips that pose a danger to nearby communities, more coal mining isn’t the solution—we need swift remediation sensitive to local ecologies and lives. These diverse fungi were spotted by a local resident on a single walk nearby the coal tips:

Check out Climate Cymru's new video on the Bedwas Tips!

Published: 21/08/2024

Support local campaign group resist Bedwas coal mine

A tiny bit of background...

Mining company, ERI Ltd, is applying to mine nearly half a million tonnes of coal from two coal tips dumped in Caerphilly, South Wales by the same mining industry last time it operated in the area. The company claims it’ll use some of its profits from coal sales to remediate the two tips afterwards. But this is just to greenwash its mining application as a ‘remediation project’—a ploy with a long history in South Wales. Nobody’s buying it; companies cut and run when the profit dries up, with over 300 coal tips abandoned in South Wales to prove it. Moreover, the two coal tips that would be mined are not considered in danger of slipping, and ERI Ltd doesn’t want to touch the most worrying coal tips nearest residents in Bedwas as those aren’t profitable or are on private land.

Can you help the local resistance?

A local campaign has sprung up to fight for a better alternative than another coal mine. Friends of Sirhowy Valley Country Park needs your help to fund:

  • Independent professional services, such as from legal and environmental specialists, to support the group with gathering the evidence needed to argue and object to the proposal as it stands;
  • Purchasing and installing wildlife cameras to capture evidence of animals and creatures that live in the country park;
  • Creating and printing information leaflets, posters, etc. to ensure as many people as possible are aware of the proposal and what it means for them;
  • Hiring facilities to hold events to give updates and share information with the community;
  • Any other activities deemed necessary by the sub-committee to support the case against the proposal.
  • Any surplus funds will be used to support the continuation of the group for the purpose of improving the country park.

Published: 18. 04. 2024

Proposed Bedwas coal tips mine: key facts and impacts

Mining company, ERI Ltd, is applying to mine nearly half a million tonnes of coal from two coal tips dumped in Caerphilly, South Wales, by the mining industry last time it operated in the area. It's vital we stop this shameless attempt to exploit the mess left behind by the mining industry to justify yet more mining. If the coal tip mining were to go ahead, it would:

  • Carry around 468,000 tonnes of coal off the site for sale
  • Inflict on local communities around 36 HGVs/day driving to and from the tips
  • Drive further climate chaos by over 1.3 MILLION tonnes of CO2
  • Devastate again the local ecology that’s slowly recovering around the tips
  • Endanger the beautiful Sirhowy Valley Country Park bordering one of the tips
  • Spread dust and noise pollution
  • Open the floodgates to mining the other 300 coal tips in communities across South Wales that deserve a safe environment without enduring another wave of mining to get it, and fuelling our climate chaos by many millions of tonnes of CO2.
  • Build a new section of haul road 575m long and 6m wide cut into the rock, and widen the existing forest track - possibly at the loss of trees bordering the road.
  • Be operational initially for around 7 years (but this is often extended later)
  • Work on site would start at 6am and continuing into the night until 10pm (16 hours/day, 15 hours every Saturday, and only Sunday without works) for 6-9 months (but this is may be extended, as is common for projects like this)
Published: 17. 04. 2024

Bedwas coal tip: a new frontier for coal in South Wales?

Key project details

Background and key figures

'Energy Recovery Investments Ltd' is proprosing to extract coal from large coal tips created by the Bedwas Colliery (1913 - 1985) in Bedwas, Caerphilly, South Wales over an operational period of 7 years (but this is often extended later). The company claims that it would use some of the sales of the coal to restore those coal tips afterwards. Based on historical estimates, the total volume of the Tips is approximately 5,000,000m³ which equates to around 8,500,000 tonnes of colliery spoil. The company claims that it expects to haul 468,000 tonnes of coal off the site via 20-tonne heavy goods vehicles (HGVs), driving further climate chaos by over 1.3 MILLION tonnes of CO2.

Tip dangers

The Tips are classified as Category D which is defined as “A tip with the potential to impact public safety, to be inspected at least twice a year.”. The main risks associated with Bedwas are understood to be risk of tip fire and contamination of local watercourses (including Rhymney River), with land stability being of a lesser concern.

Potential coal destinations

'Energy Recovery Investments Ltd' has not disclosed what proportions of coal will be sold to which market but does indicate "ERI’s proposal is to sell on these stockpiles of coal to heavy industry, the cement manufacturing industry and potentially energy production industry...", and elsewhere cite the steel sector and brickworks as potential customers.

Roads, HGVs, and 16-hour days

The company would need to build a new section of haul road 575m long and 6m wide cut into the rock, and widen the existing forest track - possibly at the loss of trees bordering the road.  It would involve works on setting up the site starting at 6am and continuing into the night until 10pm (16 hours/day, 15 hours every Saturday, and only Sunday without works) for 6-9 months (but this is likely to be extended, as is common for projects like this). Outside of these hours, maintanence works could still occur, according to the company. The company estimates an average of 90 hauls by HGVs per week to occur over the seven years operational period. This is equivalent approximately to 18-20 hauls HGVs going to and from the site every day.

On a mobile? Check out our YouTube short of the Bedwas Tips for mobile.

Corporate spin

The coal tips lie above a coal seam, which the company claims it would coincidentally have to dig into to create 'lagoons' for processing the coal from the coal tips. That's right, Energy Recovery Investments Ltd claims it needs to mine the coal in the seam, creating a further coal tip, in order to mine the coal in the coal tips already created. The company is trying to rebrand the coal mined from the tips and from digging the lagoons, as 'reclaimed' and 'incidental' coal respectively, in an attempt to get around Welsh Government policies against further coal extraction.

Energy Recovery Investments Ltd creates a new name for the coal it proposes to mine: "Reduced Carbon Coal" - a name based on the claim it could displace coal imported with the associated travel miles. This is an old argument that has been debunked many times. See our video with Economics expert, Prof. Paul Ekins or our myth-buster.

The company is so keen to distance this project from a coal mine, it has gone into greenwash overdrive - refusing to even call a coal washery by its normal name, and instead rebranding it as a "beneficiation/processing plant.

With absolutely no evidence or calculations, Energy Recovery Investments Ltd makes the outlandish claim in its planning statement that any, eventual and additional, 'carbon sink' like properties of the site after operations have finally ceased may offset the processing and extraction of the coal, transport by deisel HGVs, and end use.

Energy Recovery Investments Ltd presents the mining of coal as "a beneficial by-product of the tip reclamation process". It's the very objective of this company to generate a profit for itself from the mining of the coal tips - it is very far from being a by-product.

Energy Recovery Investments Ltd claims that a proportion of its coal will be used at steelworks, necessary for green infrastructure - a common argument which is even less true today than it was previously, as both virgin steelworks in the UK converts to using processes for producing steel from scrap that doesn't rely on coal inputs, ending the UK steel market for coal.

The company behind the proposal unmasked

Energy Recovery Investments Ltd is a small company with assets valued at £114,000 in its 2022 annual financial accounts on Companies House – but only £9,000 cash assets. This is concerning as there would be limited scope to recover damages if mistakes are made or the company refuses to remediate the coal tips after extracting profitable coal from them.

The company was registered in 2008 and “the principle activity of the company is the recovery of coal from redundant coal tip sites”. But since 2012, the company has idled with zero staff until employing just 2 staff a decade later in 2022. Energy Recovery Investments Ltd has only operated one other site, in 2008, Six Bells and Vivien Tips near Abertillery, South Wales - which it extracted 260,000 tonnes of coal from over 2.5 years, by subsequently getting permission to opencast coal mine one end of the site.

Despite all its efforts to distance itself from coal mining, Energybuild Ltd (the coal mining company at Aberpergwm) has previously been a major shareholder in Energy Recovery Investments Ltd.

PPM Holdings Limited – holding company of ERI Ltd

ERI Ltd is the wholly owned subsidiary of PPM Holdings Limited, a company incorporated in just 2022 with no published company accounts and currently registered as a ‘non-trading company’. The current Director of PPM Holdings Limited, Sian Thomas, was previously Director of Green Steel Works Ltd, which deals with ‘Remediation activities and other waste management services’ and is the official office address for Energy Recovery Investments Ltd. This kind of complicated and confusing corporate structure is typical of mining companies, and has been used in the past to evade corporate accountability. The other Director of PPM Holdings Limited is Mark Harvey, is a Director of 6 companies dealing with mineral waste disposal and storage, and real estate.

Learning from Ffos-y-fran

This proposal has strong similarities with the sprawling Ffos-y-fran opencast coal mine. The sale of the coal from this mine was to pay for the restoration of a neglected hill in Merthyr Tydfil to the extent the coal mine was even branded as the "Ffos Y Fran Land Reclamation Scheme". Yet, the profits from 16 years of coal mining has been put of reach, and the local Council faces up to £120 million shortfall to pay for the much greater restoration works now needed. We don't want Bedwas to become the next Ffos-y-fran disaster.

A dangerous precedent

With over 300 at-risk coal tips registered across South Wales, and financial shortcomings to pay for their remediation, the concern is that the Bedwas coal tip is a testing ground for remediating the remaining coal tips. This would be disasterous for our climate and represent total contempt for the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act. The company has presented a planning statement littered with the tired justifications of mining companies. Stay tuned as we ask for your help in this campaign.

Published 26. 02. 2024 Updated 18.03.2024