Object to extending the Glan Lash coal mine in 2024

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Will Councillors reject the application to expand and extend the Glan Lash opencast coal mine, learning from the huge challenges that Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council is having with the illegal Ffos-y-fran opencast coal mine?

Put into your own words why you want Carmarthenshire Planning Committee to reject the application - here's some points you might choose to include:

  • The coal operator claims they'll supply some of the coal to 'non-burn' uses like brick colourant...but that's dictated by market conditions that are changeable, and as soon as planning permission is granted, the coal operator is free to supply to whoever pays the most for this coal.
  • It goes against the Welsh Government's various climate commitments and policies against continued coal extraction.
  • Some key statistics on the coal mine expansion application.
  • No more delays to a restoration that was originally agreed would be completed before 2018 - let nature return!

Note - a decision may not be made for up to a year or more from now (October 2024)

Submit your objection to more coal mining

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Why do you want Councillors to reject the Glan Lash extension?
Incl. your postcode if you're from Carmarthenshire, it gives your email more weight!

Cymerwch weithred!

Wrth gwbhau ein ffurflen cyswllt mae eich neges yn cael ei anfon i bob un o’r 17 Cynghorydd ar y Pwyllgor Cynllunio Sir Gâr, Cyngor, a ni.

Bydd y Cynghoryddion yn gwrthod y gais i ddatblygu ac ymestyn y pwll glo cast agored Glan Lash, dysgu o’r sialensau anferth mae Cyngor Bro Sir Merthyr Tydfil yn cael gyda’r pwll glo cast agored anghyfreithlon Ffos-y-Fran?

Rhowch yng ngheiriau eich hyn pam yr ydych chi eisiau i Pwyllgor Cynllunio Sir Gâr i wrthod y gais - dyma rhai pwyntiau gallwch ddewis i gynnwys:

  • Mae’r gweithredydd glo yn dweud bydde nhw’n cyflenwi rhai o’r glo i ddefnyddwyr ‘dim-llosg’ fel lliwydd bric…ond mae hynnu’n cael ei arddweud gan cyflwr marchnad sydd yn gally newid, ac mor gynted a mae caniatâd cynllunio yn cael ei rhoi, mae’r gweithredydd glo gyda’r hawl i gyflenwi pwy bynnag sydd yn rhoi y mwyaf o arian am y glo yma.
  • Mae’n mynd yn erbyn ymrwymiadau hinsawdd a polisiau yn erbyn echdynnu glo parheus Llywodraeth Cymru.
  • Mae rhai ysyadegau allweddol ar y gais i ddatblygiad y pwll glo.

E-bostwch aelodau o’r Pwyllgor Cynllunio!

Mae meysydd wedi’i marcio â * yn ofynnol

Pan ydych chi eisiau Cyngorwyr i wrthod yr estyniad i Glan Lash?
Cynnwys eich côd os ydych o Sir Gâr, mae’n rhoi mwy o bwysau i’ch e-bost!
Published: 03/08/2023

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