UK election 2024: Parties line up to ban more coal mining

2024 election manifestos


“...we will not grant new coal licences and will ban fracking for good.”
Manifesto in full


“Maintaining the ban on fracking and introducing a ban on new coal mines.”

Manifesto in full


“Cancel recent fossil fuel licences such as for Rosebank and stop all new fossil fuel extraction projects in the UK.”

Manifesto in full


“Ban new coal licences. Follow the SNP Scottish Government’s lead and commit to no support for new coal mines, which would undermine our action to reach net zero.”

Manifesto in full


“...are opposed to... new open cast coal mines. Opencast mine sites should be fully restored for the benefit of local communities, and should never be used as a guise for private companies to undertake further coal extraction.”

Manifesto in full

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vicky moller
2 months ago

well done for your role in achieving this cross many party commitment

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