ACTION: British Science Museum's dirty coal money

The Adani Group wants to expand its coal operations by 800%. In Australia, they’re opening up one of the biggest untouched coal reserves on the planet, while expanding coal production in India and beyond. From Indonesia to Australia to India, Adani is under fire for land grabs and disregarding Indigenous rights. Sadly, this is the British Science Museum's new sponsor of the ‘Energy Revolution’ Gallery!

Leaders from indigenous communities in Australia, India and Indonesia, wrote to the museum to warn them that it's agreement with Adani is legitimising its “destructive coal expansion activities” and that “Indigenous communities in all these countries are experiencing land-grabs, repression, the destruction of sacred lands, pollution of air, land and water...”

In support of their letter, people gathered on the doorstep of the museum, with an advertising van playing a video message from the land defenders resisting Adani. Together with other groups, we are demanding the British Science Museum #DropAdani as a sponsor.

🗣 Add your voice by writing to the Science Museum now. Help us to convince them to drop Adani as a sponsor.

We heard leaders from the Hasdeo Forest under threat from Adani’s coal mining for a decade, Adivasi people who marched 300km to save their lands from an Adani coal mine in Chhattisgarh, Borneo on the doorstep of the massive Adani coal mine on Bunyu island, and Wangan and Jagalingou still fighting Adani’s destruction of their sacred territory.

👀 Want to hear their stories? Watch their film.

The man behind this all is Gautam Adani, the billionaire chairman and founder of the Adani Group. With a net worth estimated at US $74 billion, he is considered the second-richest man in India. One of our partners for the action, South Asia Solidarity Group have written about his rise to power and links with Narendra Modi:

"Narendra Modi became Chief Minister of Gujarat in 2001 using divisive Hindu nationalist rhetoric and a promise of modernity and development through neoliberal economic planning, working side by side with Gautam Adani and other powerful corporates. This period is marked, inevitably, by the State weakening labour power, fuelling xenophobia, fascism and violence, and exponentially rising inequality."

It’s abundantly clear, there’s no room for expansion of the fossil fuel industry. Over the last year with your support we have managed to convince insurers to no longer underwrite Adani's Australian mega mine. However, Adani is still looking to expand his corporate empire and is in desperate need of private finance. Sponsorship, one of the ways to clean the Adani brand and attract new finance and insurance.

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